Custom Visionにプログラムから学習データを一括登録しよう[.NET]
前回紹介した簡単に写真の中のオブジェクトを検出できるCustom Visionは学習データのフォークやはさみの位置をドラッグ&ドロップでポチポチ1つずつ登録していました。
Custom Visionでの情報の入手
Custom VisionのProjectsページで右上の歯車マークを押すと、以下のようにTraining Keyなどを取得することができます。
- Project Id
- Training Key
- Training Endpoint(先頭からまで)
- Prediction Resource Id
git clone
クローンが終わったら、cognitive-services-dotnet-sdk-samples>CustomVisionにあるCustomVision.slnをVisual Studioで開きます。
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.CustomVision.Prediction;
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.CustomVision.Training;
using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.CustomVision.Training.Models;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace ObjectDetection
class Program
private const string JapanEastEndpoint = "";
static void Main(string[] args)
// Add your training & prediction key from the settings page of the portal
string trainingKey = "<your training key here>";
string predictionKey = "<your prediction key here>";
// Create the Api, passing in the training key
CustomVisionTrainingClient trainingApi = new CustomVisionTrainingClient()
ApiKey = trainingKey,
Endpoint = JapanEastEndpoint
// Find the object detection domain
var domains = trainingApi.GetDomains();
var objDetectionDomain = domains.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Type == "ObjectDetection");
// Create a new project
Console.WriteLine("Creating new project:");
var project = trainingApi.CreateProject("My New Project", null, objDetectionDomain.Id);
// Make two tags in the new project
var forkTag = trainingApi.CreateTag(project.Id, "fork");
var scissorsTag = trainingApi.CreateTag(project.Id, "scissors");
Dictionary<string, double[]> fileToRegionMap = new Dictionary<string, double[]>()
// FileName, Left, Top, Width, Height
{"scissors_1", new double[] { 0.4007353, 0.194068655, 0.259803921, 0.6617647 } },
{"scissors_2", new double[] { 0.426470578, 0.185898721, 0.172794119, 0.5539216 } },
{"scissors_3", new double[] { 0.289215684, 0.259428144, 0.403186262, 0.421568632 } },
{"scissors_4", new double[] { 0.343137264, 0.105833367, 0.332107842, 0.8055556 } },
{"scissors_5", new double[] { 0.3125, 0.09766343, 0.435049027, 0.71405226 } },
{"scissors_6", new double[] { 0.379901975, 0.24308826, 0.32107842, 0.5718954 } },
{"scissors_7", new double[] { 0.341911763, 0.20714055, 0.3137255, 0.6356209 } },
{"scissors_8", new double[] { 0.231617644, 0.08459154, 0.504901946, 0.8480392 } },
{"scissors_9", new double[] { 0.170343131, 0.332957536, 0.767156839, 0.403594762 } },
{"scissors_10", new double[] { 0.204656869, 0.120539248, 0.5245098, 0.743464053 } },
{"scissors_11", new double[] { 0.05514706, 0.159754932, 0.799019635, 0.730392158 } },
{"scissors_12", new double[] { 0.265931368, 0.169558853, 0.5061275, 0.606209159 } },
{"scissors_13", new double[] { 0.241421565, 0.184264734, 0.448529422, 0.6830065 } },
{"scissors_14", new double[] { 0.05759804, 0.05027781, 0.75, 0.882352948 } },
{"scissors_15", new double[] { 0.191176474, 0.169558853, 0.6936275, 0.6748366 } },
{"scissors_16", new double[] { 0.1004902, 0.279036, 0.6911765, 0.477124184 } },
{"scissors_17", new double[] { 0.2720588, 0.131977156, 0.4987745, 0.6911765 } },
{"scissors_18", new double[] { 0.180147052, 0.112369314, 0.6262255, 0.6666667 } },
{"scissors_19", new double[] { 0.333333343, 0.0274019931, 0.443627447, 0.852941155 } },
{"scissors_20", new double[] { 0.158088237, 0.04047389, 0.6691176, 0.843137264 } },
{"fork_1", new double[] { 0.145833328, 0.3509314, 0.5894608, 0.238562092 } },
{"fork_2", new double[] { 0.294117659, 0.216944471, 0.534313738, 0.5980392 } },
{"fork_3", new double[] { 0.09191177, 0.0682516545, 0.757352948, 0.6143791 } },
{"fork_4", new double[] { 0.254901975, 0.185898721, 0.5232843, 0.594771266 } },
{"fork_5", new double[] { 0.2365196, 0.128709182, 0.5845588, 0.71405226 } },
{"fork_6", new double[] { 0.115196079, 0.133611143, 0.676470637, 0.6993464 } },
{"fork_7", new double[] { 0.164215669, 0.31008172, 0.767156839, 0.410130739 } },
{"fork_8", new double[] { 0.118872553, 0.318251669, 0.817401946, 0.225490168 } },
{"fork_9", new double[] { 0.18259804, 0.2136765, 0.6335784, 0.643790841 } },
{"fork_10", new double[] { 0.05269608, 0.282303959, 0.8088235, 0.452614367 } },
{"fork_11", new double[] { 0.05759804, 0.0894935, 0.9007353, 0.3251634 } },
{"fork_12", new double[] { 0.3345588, 0.07315363, 0.375, 0.9150327 } },
{"fork_13", new double[] { 0.269607842, 0.194068655, 0.4093137, 0.6732026 } },
{"fork_14", new double[] { 0.143382356, 0.218578458, 0.7977941, 0.295751631 } },
{"fork_15", new double[] { 0.19240196, 0.0633497, 0.5710784, 0.8398692 } },
{"fork_16", new double[] { 0.140931368, 0.480016381, 0.6838235, 0.240196079 } },
{"fork_17", new double[] { 0.305147052, 0.2512582, 0.4791667, 0.5408496 } },
{"fork_18", new double[] { 0.234068632, 0.445702642, 0.6127451, 0.344771236 } },
{"fork_19", new double[] { 0.219362751, 0.141781077, 0.5919118, 0.6683006 } },
{"fork_20", new double[] { 0.180147052, 0.239820287, 0.6887255, 0.235294119 } }
// Add all images for fork
var imagePath = Path.Combine("Images", "fork");
var imageFileEntries = new List<ImageFileCreateEntry>();
foreach (var fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(imagePath))
var region = fileToRegionMap[Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)];
imageFileEntries.Add(new ImageFileCreateEntry(fileName, File.ReadAllBytes(fileName), null, new List<Region>(new Region[] { new Region(forkTag.Id, region[0], region[1], region[2], region[3]) })));
trainingApi.CreateImagesFromFiles(project.Id, new ImageFileCreateBatch(imageFileEntries));
// Add all images for scissors
imagePath = Path.Combine("Images", "scissors");
imageFileEntries = new List<ImageFileCreateEntry>();
foreach (var fileName in Directory.EnumerateFiles(imagePath))
var region = fileToRegionMap[Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)];
imageFileEntries.Add(new ImageFileCreateEntry(fileName, File.ReadAllBytes(fileName), null, new List<Region>(new Region[] { new Region(scissorsTag.Id, region[0], region[1], region[2], region[3]) })));
trainingApi.CreateImagesFromFiles(project.Id, new ImageFileCreateBatch(imageFileEntries));
// Now there are images with tags start training the project
var iteration = trainingApi.TrainProject(project.Id);
// The returned iteration will be in progress, and can be queried periodically to see when it has completed
while (iteration.Status == "Training")
// Re-query the iteration to get its updated status
iteration = trainingApi.GetIteration(project.Id, iteration.Id);
// The iteration is now trained. Publish it to the prediction end point.
var publishedModelName = "toolModel";
var predictionResourceId = "<target prediction resource ID>";
trainingApi.PublishIteration(project.Id, iteration.Id, publishedModelName, predictionResourceId);
また、Custom VisionのProjectsページにプロジェクトが追加されています。
ここを参考にプロジェクトの作成とプログラムから一括で学習データの登録、学習を行いました。 やはり、学習データなどの登録はプログラムからの方が便利ですね。